1. Click on the SUMMARY PAGE (bookmarking it would be a good idea as you will be using it often).
2. Fill out the next available line on the "Summary" spreadsheet. You are responsible for filling out your biographical information (columns A–D), your tracking modality and goal (columns E and F), your quarterly goals (columns G, J, M, and P), and your half-year and full-year rewards (columns T and V).
3. **CREATE YOUR INDIVIDUAL PAGE** (The information you have entered in step 2 should auto-complete to an individual page. Check your line number and then look at the bottom of the page. Match up your line number and double check that your information is correct).
4. Rename the tab "@[twitter name]" or if you don't have Twitter "[nickname]"
5. Fill out the sheet as you wish. See step #8.
6. Update your own individual page as needed (if tracking is too hard, consider printing out your page and filling it out by hand and updating it online once a week). The total mileage will automatically be updated on the Summary tab as you report on your individual page.
7. Follow #GoTheDist on Twitter for support if you need it or to support others when they do, to announce achievements, and find new/old friends!
8. PLEASE DO NOT DELETE LINES OR TABS! Do not SORT. If you want to add columns, please add them to the RIGHT of the page. Please do NOT move your page around! You CAN bookmark your individual page using your browser to find it easily.
At the end of each month (or year) consider answering these questions:
- How do you think you did over the course of the month?
- Did you overestimate or underestimate your capabilities? Why is this? Is this representative of a larger trend in your life?
- Did you learn anything about yourself while doing this?
- Can you apply what you've learned in #GoTheDist somewhere else in your life?
- Did you make any new friends through #GoTheDist -- were you able to support each other?
- What was the hardest part of the challenge? (physical? mental/psychological?)
- What do you think you did really well this month? (doesn't have to be about #GoTheDist)
- What do you think you could improve on? (again, doesn't have to be about #GoTheDist)
- No matter the numbers you already entered, are you going to finish strong, or taper off?
- Did you go the distance? And no, I don't mean did you hit 100% of your goal... did you put yourself out there and really try for it? Is 80% still something you can be proud of?